Episode 19: Realigning Business From Harm To Harmony with Ryan Kemp



In this episode:

  • Regenerative business consultant, educator and author Ryan Kemp delves into what it means to be regenerative and how incorporating regenerative principles into business can move us beyond sustainability into creating abundance for all stakeholders and the planet.

  • He shares his insights from distilling the wisdom of Ayurvedic and yogic teachings into a succinct approach which helps detach us from the over-identification with self that is at the root of an imbalanced mental state manifesting as extractive and exploitative commerce. Most of how business exists today is a trauma response that has resulted from this perspective of separation.

  • The ability to see ourselves as part of nature, instead of separate from, or dominating it, is key to living in a more boundless state, and relating to each other with compassion and love - an antidote to ‘wokeism’ that perpetuates fear and othering rather than engendering consciousness.

About Ryan:

Ryan is a regenerative business consultant, educator, guide, author and speaker. Over the last 10 years, he has worked in, lived in, and traveled to over forty-five countries learning from different cultural elders and working on solutions to some of the world’s largest issues such as food waste, plastic remediation, energy access and the detriments of tourism. Some of his past work includes consulting with the Prime Minister of Cameroon, H.E. Philémon Yang on rural road infrastructure development, working with the Minister of Energy in Myanmar towards renewable energy independence and living and working on intentional permaculture communities and farms throughout Hawai’i, the Caribbean, and Central America assisting movements in food security and sovereignty. 

He is also a member of the Sustainable Change Research Network, International Alliance for Localization (IAL), Doughnut Economics Research Lab, a certified YTT-200 hour Ashtanga Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic practitioner, published author and poet. He also leads Pueo Consulting @pueosustainability, a consulting group that aligns business with Nature through qualitative and quantitative processes, a co-founder of The Green Standard @thegreenstandard.global and is launching a new course on Regenerative Leadership that begins in January. 

Learn more at https://www.ryanjkemp.com/

Follow on Instagram @ryanj_kemp


Episode 20: Working With Cannabis and Psilocybin For Healing and Personal Freedom with The Dank Duchess


Episode 18: Healing Through Storytelling and Reconnection To The Sacred with Solana Booth